Label variable name stata software

The sas label will need to be resolved with a doublequoted macro variable reference. If you use a variable name that is 32 characters then applycodebook. I have a set of variables, say vara, varb, and varc how can i loop over only the postfixes a, b, and c i know i can get all of the matching variables as follows. Lets type confirm variable again to see what happens if the variable iprovincestate is not in our dataset. What command can i use to select variables containing specific pattern in stata. I wish there was a way to set labels more easily, but thats about it. Unfortunately the label is only in effect for functions provided by the hmisc package, such as describe. Stata is a complete, integrated statistical software package that provides everything you need for data science. Analysis of two independent samples using stata software. Stata allows you to label your data file data label, to label the variables within your data file variable labels, and to label the values for your variables value labels. As of stata version 12, value labels are also shown in the variables section of the properties window. For each variable a new value label becomes generated which matches the. Changing variable name to variable label i have a set of repeated cross sections 10 years which i would like to combine into a single dataset. This post demonstrates how to create new variables, recode existing variables and label variables and values of variables.

To assign the value label cartype to the variable foreign, enter the command. In stata, how do i add a value label to a numeric variable. The manual entry for each no pun intended of these commands is helpful. Also seed rename group for renaming groups of variables. To change the column heading for the dependent variable youll need to use the ctitle option. The problem is that the variable names are different across years its a survey, so a variable i need might be called q one year and q17 the next. Standard stata command egen group allows creating value labels with option label, however they contain values of the contributing attributes, not their labels. Instructional video on how to rename and label variables and variable values using stata, data analysis and statistical software. Reissuing the xlabel command replaces the old label with the new label. Variable labels assigns descriptive labels to variables in the active dataset. Openingsaving a stata datafile quick way of finding variables subsetting using conditional if stata color coding system from spsssas to stata example of a dataset in excel from excel to stata copyandpaste. This module will show how to create labels for your data.

The legend key for the first tw plot, which by default is the yvariable name or label if exists, is not displayed. Exploring data and descriptive statistics using stata. Using stata s toy dataset auto as an example sysuse auto, clear describe contains data from auto. Note that the command is followed by a variable name and then a colon. You can pull the variable label into a local macro and do it that way. The stata blog import covid19 data from johns hopkins. How to rename value label names to match variable names.

To my knowledge, there is no direct way of instructing marginsplot to show the labels of a variable instead of its name. Stata modules for managing value and variable labels. This package provides functions to read and write data between r and other statistical software packages like spss, sas or stata and to work with labelled data. C use label define to create a set of value labels, and then use label values to apply the value labels to a variable all variables that undergo any kind of numerical calculation must have a numerical represenation in stata. Note that status refers to the name of the variable and mstatus to the name of the label both names may be identical, by the way. Nonetheless knowing how to do so is a convenient way to avoid having to use multiple programss. This also happens if the name of the value label is 32 characters. In dialog boxes, lists of variables can be shown with either variable names or variable labels. Statalist changing variable name to variable label. I focus explicitly on the foundations of using such software and ignore statistical procedures. Stata 1 workshop stata gsu library research guides at. Stata allows you to label your data file data label, to label the variables within your data. Im sorry for the confusion but this doesnt have to do with the size of the file but the length of the variable name. If the label is to be used, but no transformation option is provided, the variable label is converted to a valid stata variable name.

Value labels are attached to variables by label values. Transformations that result in a name that is the same as the old name are ignored. You could then use subinstr to substitute pct for percent or whatever, then rename the var based on that result. F or example, if you want to use the l og of x, and you want create a new variab le y which will. What command can i use to select variables containing.

Here we use the generate command to create a new variable representing population younger than 18 years. Displaying variable label instead of variable name statas. The basics of creating graphs with sasgraph software jeff. The label values command assigns a single value label to a variable. Data data utilities rename groups of variables description rename changes the name of existing variable old varname to new varname. Statas data management features give you complete control. Daphna, you can use a macro inside a loop, like this. However, you need a thorough understanding of local macros, and the best way to achieve that is to read the stata users guide. In contrast grouplabs creates easily readable and understandable labels from the original variables value labels, variable labels, or variable names as a last resort. Many stata users save variable labels to describe the columns in a clearer way than the names. Getting outreg2 to output variable labels instead of names.

This video follows a step by step process of creating variable labels, value labels, and creating a new variable with values labels automatically added with the. A variable name may contain only the digits 0 to 9 and upper or lower case english alphabets a to z. With this twostep process, you can associate one particular mapping. The macro creates, in the working directory, a stata data set. This sas software tutorial shows how to create and assign your own variable formats value labels in sas using proc format. One of those extended functions extracts the var label. Value label names, values and corresponding labels are displayed and returned in r. Stata module to rename value labels to match variable names. And you can use proc sql to select the sas variable s datavalues into a sas macro variable for example, call it macro variable period in a step ahead of the data proc step that sets the sas statement, for illustration.

If you dont remember name of the label attached to a variable, you can find it with the help of the describeor the codebookcommand just insert the variable name after the respective command. The basic specification is a variable name and the associated label in quotes. Stata module to rename value labels to match variable. These formats are useful if you have numerically coded categorical variables and want to attach meaningful labels to those values. Learn how to navigate statas graphical user interface, create log files, and import data from a variety of software packages. The nliteral function creates a name literal from the label and the call symput statement stores it in a macro variable. Change variable name, variable label, values label.

I dont know enough about r pandas to provide an authoritative answer but its likely related to this phrase in your question. This guide contains written and illustrated tutorials for the statistical software sas. If you dont remember name of the label attached to a variable, you can find it with the help of the describe or the codebook command just insert the variable name after the respective command. Variable labels seem to be constant across years, so i thought a solution might be to rename the the variables on the basis of their labels. Labeling values of numerical categorical variables ensures that the realworld. This presentation provides an overview the types of graphs that can be produced with sasgraph software and the basic procedure syntax for. Label xaxis matlab xlabel mathworks united kingdom. Mouse over the variable name in the data view spreadsheet to see the variable label.

The length statement restricts the label in the name literal to 32 characters so. The problem is that the label option on outreg2 uses the variable labels for your explanatory variables, not the dependent variable. Labeling variables with descriptive names clarifies their meanings. So it does not seem to be due to the length of the variable label. Stata is widely used in social science research and the most used statistical software on campus. For questions or subscription information click here to set up a wrds odbc connection, you will need to download the correct. Labels can be added to any previously defined variable. If the other variables didnt have a label attribute at all, the printout would still look like this. Typing in data, changing variable names, adding labels, and adding values is part of the departmental of methodology software tutorials sponsored by a grant from the lse annual fund. Labelled data and the sjlabelledpackage daniel ludecke 20200430. Lets use a file called autolab that does not have any labels. Hello everybody, i was wondering whether there is an automated way to obtain the exact same outcome. On the output, spss allows you to print out variable names or variable labels or both. Any variable in varlist that does not have a value label attached is ignored.

A variable can have one or several values information for one or several cases. Stata modules for managing value and variable labels, statistical software components s402501, boston college department of economics, revised 23 nov 20. The command will not rename any variable unless all of the resulting new names specified are acceptable as new variable names. It is the label in variable box on the left in the stata screen, usually appears in the second coloumn after variable name. Stata 11 introduced a variables manager that allows editing variable names, labels, types, formats, and notes, as well as value labels, using an.

Change variable name, variable label, values label to. I focus explicitly on the foundations of using such software. You can convert the variable labels to variable names from within stata before exporting it to a r or text file. The first argument may be a variable name, in which case the remaining. Adding a value label to a variable in stata is a twostep process.

Variable labels and value labels in spss the analysis factor. What command can i use to select variables containing specific. I tried, the variable name has 5 letters and the variable label has 15. When y ou write a code line, always use the name of the variable and not the label. The second step is to associate a specific mapping with a particular variable using the. Stata will be need to complete the empirical exercises in the problem sets. Your other option is to use the variable label as the variable name and then refer to the variable by position index. If your institution subscribes to wrds, you can now easily access wrds data remotely via stata s odbc command.

Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needsdata manipulation, visualization, statistics, and reproducible reporting. The other variables dont have label text, so they have blank space of the same width as the x variable s label. Look at the extended functions for local in stata, type help local. We want to grab the variable label for each variable by using the extended macro function. Labeling data stata learning modules idre stats ucla. Getting started 3 the department of statistics and data sciences, the university of texas at austin section 1. Not all characters in the keyboard, however, are allowed in naming variables. When we view a description of the new numeric variable stage, we see that stata has applied a value label called stage, which makes the values along the columns appear as i, ii, iii, and iv, while the variable label cancerstage makes the variable name appear as cancerstage atop the columns. Stata module to save variable labels to a file, statistical software components s400103, boston college department of economics. As ian mentions, variable labels usually do not make good variable names, but if you convert spaces and other characters to underscores and if your variable labels arent too long, you can re label your vars with the varlabels quite.

Note that the macro variable has the same name as the original variable. It is not necessary to enter labels for all variables in the active dataset. Perhaps this is because the graph command is within a program for a dialog program. Typing in data, changing variable names, adding labels, and adding values is part of the departmental of methodology software tutorials sponsored by.

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